There are so many myths surrounding diastasis recti (abdominal separation). So many women restrict or avoid doing activities and exercise that they can, in fact, do safely with diastasis. I want to empower you to get back to the activities […]
What are the benefits of postnatal Pilates?
Experiencing pregnancy, labour, and the birth of your baby means your body’s gone through an awful lot! And now that your baby is here, it’s so hard to find time to address any issues that might be bothering you after […]
What happens in a physiotherapy appointment?
Having a physiotherapy appointment is so much more than turning up and having a massage! If you book an appointment for an issue, I want to get to the bottom of it to try to work out why it’s happened, […]
Why your back pain isn’t going away
When someone seeks my help with their back pain, it’s so common that they’ve tried loads, but despite this, their back pain isn’t going away! Could it be that, like my patients, you’re holding misconceptions around what you think will […]
The Difference Between Yoga And Pilates
As a Pilates instructor, one of the questions I get asked all the time is “What’s the difference between Yoga & Pilates?”. So I thought I’d do my best to explain! Yoga & Pilates Have Completely Different Origins Yoga originated […]
Things to stop doing when you have back pain
My mission at Animated Physio is to get you moving more, feeling better, & banishing aches & pains. So I thought you would find it helpful for me to share with you 4 things you can stop doing today if […]
How often should you do Pilates for lower back pain?
Getting into a routine of regular exercise will help you feel so much better! One of my favourite phrases is “Movement is medicine!” And, as a physio and Pilates instructor, I’m a huge advocate for Pilates – I’ve seen how […]
Why is it important to be able to relax your pelvic floor?
Since I started doing MummyMOT assessments (the postnatal check you deserve), I have realised our pelvic floor is a part of our body not many of us realise exists, let alone know how to contract and relax! And, did you […]
What exercise is best for lower back pain?
We used to think that rest was best for lower back pain, but we now know this is not the case! Over the years, research studies have been completed and advice on the best exercise for lower back pain has […]
Is bending bad for your back?
If you have back pain, you’re likely to find that certain movements will increase your pain or aggravate your symptoms. If bending aggravates your symptoms, you may be worried that bending is bad for your back. You might want to […]