I recently read a tabloid article which talked about a celebrity suffering with a back injury. Articles like this, found in the media, often use language that can cause fear around pain and injury. This can impact the amount of […]
Does bad posture cause back pain?
A lot of us have been sitting down more than ever before over the past year. This can mean sitting with rounded shoulders, hunched over a computer, or being on your phone more than ever. Have these changes in activity […]
Do you hold your breath at Pilates?
There is so much to think about when you do Pilates! So don’t worry if you hold your breath when you first give it a go. I remember when I first started my APPI training, over 9 years ago now, […]
Settle Sciatica in 5 Steps
If you’re suffering with sciatica (pain originating from your back, which radiates down your leg and past your knee), there are things you can try to help settle it! 1. Try to keep active little and often Try avoid staying […]
6 Ways to Wellbeing in Lockdown
This week I’ve teamed up with Samantha Cutler from Whole Wellbeing Limited to bring you some top tips to help your wellbeing during lockdown: Be more mindful: try to be present in each part of your day. When you’re working, […]
How do I manage period pains & PMS?
Being in competitive sport for a long time has given me a bit of fear around periods. When I was a teenager they made me pretty unwell, and at the time I was competing in swimming at National level, so […]
Lower Back Pain: To Scan Or Not To Scan?
Lockdown has helped me develop many skills, amongst those… my persuasion skills! I’ve heard from so many patients “I didn’t think there was any point trying physio until you can see the results of my scan, and I can’t get […]
Have you taken up running this January?
Do you want to know how to build your running up safely, without getting injured? If you’ve decided to take up running this January, and have googled how to do it, you may have stumbled across RED January. What is […]
Could you have pelvic girdle pain?
What is it? This is pain around your pelvis – it can be at the front (known as SPD), the back, underneath, or spreading down your front / inner thighs (however if you have bilateral leg pain radiating past your […]
Why should you exercise during pregnancy?
It’s a common misconception that once you are pregnant you need to do less to keep your growing baby safe. As long as there is not a medical reason for exercise to be contraindicated, it’s really beneficial for you to […]